Category: Taxation

Rental Interest

Claim rental property interest correctly Rental interest deductions are one of the most common things not claimed correctly. If you bundle rental property loan and include personal items, such as a car or holiday: You also need to apportion claims for interest expenses:

ATO Taxtime Targets

Four priorities for the ATO this tax time The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has announced four key focus areas for Tax Time 2022. The ATO will be focusing on: record-keeping work-related expenses rental property income and deductions, and capital gains from crypto assets, property, and shares. These ATO priority areas will ensure that there is […]

Tax Tips for Cryptocurrency

More and more people have begun to invest in cryptocurrency, but aren’t really sure of the tax implications of their investment. According to the ATO, if you have exchanged cryptocurrency for goods, cash or other cryptocurrencies, this is considered to be a disposal for the purposes of capital gains tax and you may need to […]