Self Managed Superannuation

SMSF Establishment

Establishing a Self Managed Super Fund is about you taking over the management of your own superannuation savings for the purpose of providing retirement benefits to its members.

We will take care of all registrations, documentations and rollovers.

Annual Compliance

  • Valuing the funds holdings
  • Preparation of financial statements
  • Appointment of Independent Auditor
  • Lodgement of Tax Return
  • Lodgement of Transfer Balance Account Reports as required
  • Obtaining Actuarial Certificate as required
  • Review of Investment Strategy

Strategic Tax Planning

The income of your SMSF is taxed at a concessional rate of 15% which is lower than the corporate tax rate and personal marginal rates. Nevertheless, this rate can be further reduced to potentially 0% once you have satisfied a condition of release such as retirement etc. This 0% tax rate also includes any capital gains that you may derive from investments in the future, such as property and shares.


  • Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangement (LRBA)
  • Increase your purchasing power
  • Ability to borrow from an external lender (bank)
  • Ability to borrow from a related party under the safe harbour provisions
  • Ability to acquire your business real property from a related party


Preparation and instruction for commencement of account based pensions, and transition to pension.

Calculation and instruction for payment of minimum annual income stream payments as required.

The Benefits

  • Ability to purchase direct property
  • Flexibility in terms of investment choice
  • Ability to consolidate your super with up to 6 members to take advantage of economies of scale
  • Effective tax management

Services provided by C Christie & Associates Pty Ltd ABN 63 060 586 423
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation